Seminars & Events

For your added knowledge and enjoyment, Plantscape offers FREE seminars and special events throughout the year. Presentations are made here at Plantscape in our seminar building located behind the garden center building.

The seminar building is also available for meetings at no charge. Contact us to arrange date and time.


Seminars & Events




Saturday, July 20, at 10:00 a.m.

Presented by Karen Frailey of the Shawnee Chapter, Illinois Audubon Society

     Karen Frailey of the local Shawnee chapter of the Illinois Audubon Society will present a very informative program on “Hummingbirds” on Saturday, July 20, at 10:00 a.m. here at Plantscape. Her program will include information on the natural history of hummingbirds, interesting facts and fallacies, and how to attract these tiny jewel-like birds to your garden with flowers and feeders. A power point presentation and informative handouts from the Illinois Audubon Society will also be available.  

    Seating for the presentation is limited, so please call 942-4865 or email us at  to reserve a seat for this free seminar so we will know how many people to expect.  Participants can register to win a FREE hummingbird feeder or accessories after the seminar, so come and enjoy this interesting presentation!


“Square Foot Gardening for Fall”

Saturday, August 17, at 10:00 a.m.

Presented by Herb Klickner, Master Gardener

   Join us for a University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener presentation on Square Foot Gardening for fall on Saturday, Aug 17th at 10 a.m. here at Plantscape Nursery. Extension Master Gardener Herb Klickner will share his years of square foot gardening experience with you at just the right time for preparing a fall vegetable garden.  Learn how to construct a raised bed square foot garden, how to make your own healthy soil, how to make efficient/productive use of limited space, plants and activities for the fall season and just what you can grow using the square foot gardening technique.

     Pre-register by calling 942-4865 or email us at  so we can reserve a seat for you for this free presentation. Now is the time to prepare for a fall garden so you can grow plenty of fresh vegetables for good health and enjoyment. Join us for a fun and educational presentation. Participants can register to win FREE gardening accessories!











African Violets  

Saturday, September 21, at 10:00 a.m.
Presented by Members of the Little Egypt African Violet Society (LEAVS)

    African violets are one of the most beloved indoor plants and are grown for their vibrant blooms year-round.  You can learn how to easily cultivate these popular houseplants by joining us here at Plantscape on September 21 at 10:00 a.m. as Linda Minnis, past president, and Mary Jo Novak, secretary, of the Little Egypt African Violet Society present information on how to grow these tropical beauties. They will discuss basic care of African violets such as lighting, watering, and fertilizing, as well as answering propagation and repotting questions. They will also share information about the varieties of African violets, different kinds of blossoms and leaves, and how to show these beautiful plants.

      All persons interested in African violets and gesneriads will want to join us for this informative seminar. Call 942-4865 or email us at  to reserve a seat for this free seminar so we will know how many people to expect. There will be 3 giveaways so those attending can register to win a free African violet or accessory!