MOWING is the most overlooked practice in the lawn program.  Most often lawns are mowed too close which depletes the vigor of the grass, allows drying out of the soil surface, allows weeds to invade the lawn, and invites disease and insect problems.

Appropriate cutting heights are:

 Turf-type tall fescue ---------2 ½ - 3”
 Ryegrasses ---------------------2– 2 ½”
 Kentucky bluegrass ----------1 ½ – 2 ½”
 Fine fescue --------------------2 – 2 ½”


As a general rule, never remove more than 1/3 of the total leaf blade at any one mowing.  If grass clippings are not excessive, leave them on the lawn.  Clippings return essential plant nutrients and organic matter to the soil.


IRRIGATION is generally not required.  The lawn may look unattractive during the drought of summer but will usually recover with the rains and cool weather of fall.  If you desire a high-quality appearance, the lawn should be watered as soon as the grass shows signs of wilting.  Apply enough water to moisten the soil 6 inches deep – equivalent to applying 1 inch of water.  Water in the early morning, if possible.  This allows the grass blades time to dry.  Cool evening temperatures and wet grass spell potential disease problems.


Late March-early April ---
Fertilome Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food.   (Apply when the Forsythia shrub blooms).

Early May --
-Fertilome Classic Lawn Food

Late May ---spray
Fertilome Trimec Weed Killer for control of broadleaf weeds.  Use a hose end sprayer for best results.

Early June ---if your lawn is thin use
Hi-Yield Crabgrass Preventer for better control of crabgrass.

Late September or October ---
Fertilome Winterizer keeps the lawn greener longer in the fall and  promotes quicker green-up for the following spring.


LIME is generally required for lawns in southern Illinois.  Lime raises the pH of the soil.  The ideal pH for grass is 6.0 to 7.0.  Generally lime should be applied every 3-5 years, but, to be sure, we recommend having a soil test done every 3 years.  See us for soil test information.


Herrin, Illinois


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