Garden Calendar -
•Sow seeds indoors now through March for transplants to set outside after our last
frost date (April 15-
•Trim back ornamental grasses to the ground around March 1 and remove the brown leaves to allow new growth to fill in this spring. Tying the grasses with twine, rope, or bungee cords before cutting makes the job a little neater.
•Remember March 1 as a good date for cutting back butterfly bushes (6-
•Divide and transplant perennials now before they reach 3” tall for best results. Once new growth emerges, use a sharp spade to dig up outer portions of perennials and move to a new location. Use Fertilome Root Stimulator every 2 weeks for the next 2 months for vigorous growth.
•Start bulbs such as elephant ears, begonias, dahlias, cannas, calla lilies, and caladiums indoors in pots for transplanting outside when the soil is warmer in late April. This will give you a jump on growth and flowering in summer.
•Apply Fertilome Crabgrass Preventer or Espoma Organic Weed Preventer containing corn gluten in early spring when yellow forsythias bloom.
•Plant pansies and violas this month for early spring color. They like cool weather!
•Plant cool season seeds like lettuce, spinach, arugula, kale, and other greens outdoors in February and March. Plant peas and potatoes on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17.